Walking around the town


The Course to enjoy the atmosphere of the Edo Period

 Sawara historical town-walikng, harvest activities, etc.

1.Higashi-Kantoh express way exit "Sawara-Katori"

10min. by car. ↓

on foot ↓

 Onogawa river boat.

3.historic house of Inoh Tadataka

on foot ↓

4.Memorial hall of Inoh Tadataka, historic house(40min.)

on foot ↓

15min. by car ↓

5min. by car ↓

8.rest stop Kurimoto(90min.)

 harvest activities (Grape picking) & shopping

15min. by car ↓

9.Higashi-Kantoh express way entrance "Narita"
check into a hotel

The Course to enjoy flowers and dishes.

 Seasonal flowers and dishes

1.Higshi-Kantoh express way exit of "Sawara-Katori"

15min. by car ↓

2.Johyama park in Omigawa(50min.)
 Cherry-blossom and azalea

5min. by car ↓

3.river Tonegawa・river Kurobe(60min.)

 Natural eel and country dishes

20min. by car ↓

5min. by car ↓

 Cherry-blossom, peony, green maple

5min. by car ↓

6.historic streets(180min.)
 Machi-gurumi Museum at-home and traditional foods.
 contry dishes, shopping

10min. by car ↓

7.Higshi-Kantoh express way entrance "Sawara-Katori"
check into a hotel

The Course to enjoy big and small rivers

 please note the expression of each river.

1.Higshi-Kantoh express way exit of "Taiei"

20min. by car ↓

2.lock gate of river Yokotone・river Yokotone(20min.)

10min. by car ↓

3.The Sawara Aquatic Botanical garden・Lake Yodaura(120min.)
 local dishes

4.The 12 bridges at Kato-zu(60min.)
 river Hitachi-Tonegawa

20min. by car ↓

5.river Kurobe

5min. by car ↓

5min. by car ↓

7.Museum of shellfish-purple(20min.)

20min. by car ↓

8.Tsunomiya shrine gate of Katori・river Tonegawa(15min.)

10min. by car ↓

9.historic streets・river Onogawa(90min.)
 shoping・local dishes

10min. by car ↓

10.Higshi-Kantoh express way entrance "Sawara-Katori"
check into a hotel

The Course to enjoy the natures of green

 Please feel abundant blessings of the earth's natural healing.

1.Higshi-Kantoh express way exit of "Narita"

15min. by car ↓

5min. by car ↓

3.rest stop Kurimoto(40min.)
 seasonable vegetables

20min. by car ↓

4.Tachibana-fureai park(240min.)
 day camp & Satoyama stroll

5min. by car ↓

5.Country vegetables and restaurant(60min.)
 Shopping & foods

20min. by car ↓

6.Higshi-Kantoh express way entrance of "Taiei"
check into a hotel

The Course to visit the country's treasure

 national treasures and cultural assets

1.Higshi-Kantoh express way exit "Sawara-Katori"

10min. by car ↓

on foot ↓

3.historic streets(150min.)
 traditional dishes

on foot ↓

10min. by car ↓

5.The Katori Shrine(70min.)
 the treasure house

25min. by car ↓

5min. by car ↓

25min. by car ↓

8.Higshi-Kantoh express way entrance of "Taiei"
check into a hotel


商工観光課 観光班
〒287-8501 千葉県香取市佐原ロ2127番地 (市役所3階)

