Poké Lids (Pokémon's utility hole covers). The First in Chiba Prefecture!
Poké Lids
Poké Lids were donated to Katori City for the sightseeing promotion by Pokémon Ltd with only one design in the world. More than 20 young staff from Katori City Hall got involved in this project early on. Stories that connect each area in Katori and Pokémon in the guide are based on the ideas from these young staff members.
Poké Lids of Katori City
(c)2021 Pokémon.(c)1995-2021 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
ポケットモンスター・ポケモン・Pokémon are registered trademarks of Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
Installation Sites
You can check the location information of Poké Lids by the Poké Lids Official Website.
the Poké Lids Official Website.(外部サイト)
The Poké Lids of Galarian Farfetch'd
- Place: JR Sawara Station Square
Galarian Farfetch'd is a brave warrior, and it wields a thick, tough leek in battle. Things behind Galarian Farfetch'd are Kanameishi (keystone) and Sanbonsugi (three cedar trees) of Katori Jingu Shrine. Apparently Galarian Farfetch'd came to Katori Jingu shrine to pray for victory.
The Poké Lids of Falinks and Rookidee
- Place: In front of Inoh Tadataka Museum
Falinks act in a row with 1 brass and 5 troopers. Rookidee is a brave Pokémon that challenges any opponent no matter how powerful. These Pokémon overlap with Inoh Tadataka, who surveyed Japan with only 6 people during the Edo Period.
The Poké Lids of Florges and Fletchling
Florges is a guardian of flower garden and are said to live for hundreds of years. Friendly Fletchling are coming to the flower garden. Florges and Fletching add more lively to Suigo Sawara Ayame Park.
The Poké Lids of Lotad, Seedot and Staravia
Lotad carries Seedot that cannot swim on its leaf. Staravia living in forests and grasslands is depicted as if it came to see Lotad and Seedot. It is a design rich in nature like the riverside city.
Poké Lids Guide
The Poké Lids Guide(PDF:3,301KB)
You can check each explanation and installation site of the Poké Lids.
The Rollout Ceremony ・ Installations of the Poké Lids
In 2021 November 10, The Rollout Ceremony was held. Mayor Ui, special guests including Pikachu and children of the Sawara Kindergarten joined in the ceremony. At the ceremony, Mayor Ui greeted and said “Pokémon is popular in not only Japan but also all over the world. I expect the Poké Lids will contribute on the sightseeing promotion. ” After the ceremony, the Poké Lids were installed in JR Sawara station, Inoh Tadataka Museum, Suigo Sawara Ayame Park, and Roadside Station and Riverside Station Mizu-no-Sato Sawara based on the wishes of the donor.
Pikachu (A Special Guest)
Pikachu and Mayor Ui (A commemorative photo)
After the ceremony the PokéLids were installed in each place
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