Registration of Resident, Birth etc. of Foreign Nationals
For any of the information below, you are recommended to have a native Japanese speaker who is also fluent in English and/or your native language in order to help with the basic understanding of technical terms.
Resident Resistration of Foregin Nationals
Since July 9, 2012, Residence Records have been made for eligible foreign nationals, such as those who were previously entitled to have a Residence Card or were permitted as a Special Permission Resident. This allows these foreign nationals to have a copy of their Residence Record (Jumin-Hyo) or its related certificates issued at request. (Accordingly, the Alien Registration Act has been abolished and consequently, the certification of registered matters on the registration card is not to be issued any longer.)
If an eligible foreign national moves to a different municipality (city/word/town/village), they are requested to report to their former municipal office to have a “Move out Certificate” (Tenshutsu-Todoke) issued.
Foreign Nationals Who Are Eligible for Residence Records
The following foreign nationals legally residing in Japan for more than three months (Tourists and persons who stay in Japan with a residence status of "temporary visitor" are exempted) will be listed on the Basic Resident Registration. (These foreign nationals are called Foreign Residents.)
If the necessary procedures are not completed at the Immigration Bureau or municipal office for renewing the period of their stay and/or their residence status regarding the aliens registration certificate, the residence record will not be issued.
Please take necessary procedures as soon as possible.
Mid- to Long-term Residents (People eligible for a Residence Card)
All foreign nationals who are both legally residing in Japan mid- to long-term with resident status under the Immigration Control Act (hereinafter referred to as " Immigration Act "), and who also do not come under any of the following through 1 to 6.
- Persons granted a permission to stay for 3 months or less
- Persons granted a "Temporary Visitor" status
- Persons granted a "Diplomat" or "Official" status
- Persons recognized by the Ministry of Justice ordinance as equivalent to the foreign nationals in the aforementioned 1 to 3
- Special permanent residents
- Persons with no resident status
Special Permanent Residents
Persons recognized as Special Permanent Residents stipulated by the Special Act on Immigration Control: For example those who have lost Japanese Nationality pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan (hereinafter referred to as the Special Act on Immigration Control.)
Persons granted permission for temporary refuge or provisional stay
Foreign nationals embarked on a vessel, etc. who fall under the provisions of the Refugee Recognition Act regarding the status of the refugee and are granted landing permission for temporary refuge, or undocumented foreign residents who are granted permission for provisional stay upon application of refugee status.
Foreign nationals who are to stay in Japan through birth or who have renounced Japanese nationality
Persons who may continue to stay transitionally in Japan by birth or those who have lost Japanese nationality.
The Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act stipulates that such persons may continue to stay in Japan without acquiring a status of residence for a period not exceeding sixty days.(If a foreign national intends to extend the his/her period of stay in Japan, he/she must apply to the Immigration Bureau for extending his/her period of stay.)
For any further questions, please contact the Citizen's Section (Shimin Ka). For questions regarding the procedure for acquiring a status of residence, please contact the Immigration Bureau office.
- Katori City Office Citizen’s Section
(Address : 2127 Ro, Sawara, Katori City, Chiba Pref. Tel : 0478-50-1210) - Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau
(Address : 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Pref. Tel: 03-5796-7111) - Chiba Branch Office
(Address : Chuo Community Center, 2-1 Chiba-minato, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Pref. Tel:043-242-6597)
Birth Registration etc.
Registration of Birth etc.
You are required to register birth and death as well as marriage and divorce at Katori City Office Citizen’s Section (Shimin Ka).
- Katori City Office Citizen's Section (Shimin Ka) Tel : 0478-50-1210)
Handling charge for issuing a transcript of the family register etc.
Transcript or abstract of family register … Yen 450
Transcript or abstract of removal of family register … Yen 750
Transcript or abstract of original source of re-established family register … Yen 750
For the handling charges for other certificates etc., please contact the Citizen's Section (Shimin Ka).
- Katori City Office Citizen's Section (Shimin Ka) Tel : 0478-50-1210
Issuance of the Maternity Health Record Book
Those who hold residence record and alien registration in Katori City are eligible to receive the Maternity Health Record Book at the Katori City Health Promotion Section or Citizen's welfare group of its branch offices.
- Katori City Health Promotion Section Tel : 0478-50-1235
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