Ki-no-Uchi Kagura


Ki-no-Uchi Kagura

This form of kagura (ancient Shinto music and dancing) is said to have existed as early as the Bunka era (1804-1818) in the late Edo period. It is recorded that in 1829, 11 kagura masks were repaired.

Before the Meiji period (1868-1912), nearby Shinto priests would come together to carry out the festival, but starting in the early Meiji period, the local youth began carrying out the festival.

Today, Ki-no-Uchi Kagura, which consists of 12 kagura performances, continues to be passed down by a local volunteer organization called Ki-no-Uchi Kagura Preservation Committee. Ki-no-Uchi Kagura is performed during the religious festival on March 3rd to pray for shrine parishioners’ tranquility, abundant harvest, and thriving business. It is also performed at Suga Shrine’s religious festival on April 3rd.

It is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset by the city.


Sarutahiko-no-Mikoto, Sanpōkōjin, Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, Ame-no-Koyane-Futotama-no-Mikoto, Ame-no-Otome-no-Mikoto, Dajikarao-no-Mikoto, Sakakiba, Ukemochi-no-Mikoto, Yahata, Ebisu, Inari Daimyōjin, Susanō-no-Mikoto

Related Links

Omigawa Area: Seeing Spots and Events


Ki-no-Uchi Daijin Shrine1166 Ki-no-Uchi, Katori City


By train:

  • 10 min walk from JR Omigawa Station

By car:

  • 10 min from Sawara-Katori IC on the Higashi-Kanto Expressway



Contact Information

Katori City Lifelong Learning Division: 0478-50-1224


商工観光課 観光班
〒287-8501 千葉県香取市佐原ロ2127番地 (市役所3階)

