For Teachers


For Teachers

The educational and informative materials are ready for the teachers who are in charge of school visits.

Policies and tips for visiting the Museum

  • Admission fee is to be paid at the reception on the day of visit.
  • Still photography and videotaping are not permitted in the Museum.
  • Due to the limited capacity of the restroom in the Museum, the group visitors are supposed to use the one behind the building of the Museum.
  • Any publications in the Museum are not permitted to be taken away.
  • Food and drinks, including gum and candy, are not allowed in any of the Museum.
  • Only writing materials may be brought in in the exhibition room.
  • Please use pencils when taking notes.
  • Visitors are requested to observe in a quiet manner.
  • Please do not touch any of the exhibits.

For more information, please click ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。here(PDF:118KB)


The Inoh Tadataka Museum Worksheets

Aiming at greater understanding about the exhibits during the visit, the educational worksheets are ready. Please download from the links below for preparation of school visits.

Features of the Inoh Tadataka Museum Worksheets

Useful for Self-Study and Fully Compatible with the Exhibits of the Museum

The Worksheets of the Museum are formulated to encourage students to observe the exhibits carefully and help them in discovering unique values of the each exhibit.
Each question in the Worksheets is fully compatible with the exhibits and the answers can always be found in the exhibits if observed carefully.
Also, as all the answers are shown in the Museum, the students can complete their study by themselves. Thus, the Worksheets are useful material for both individual and group learners.

Standard Time to Complete the Worksheets: 10 min. per sheet (self-contained) x 8 kinds

Basically, each sheet is self-contained and focusing on single theme.
By leaning each theme along with the Worksheets, students may gain basic knowledge how those maps were created and comprehend Tadataka’s effort and achievement.
8 kinds of Worksheets are ready as of January, 2014. Standard time to complete one sheet is about 10 min.Teachers can pick up any appropriate sheets which may fit to the leaning level of the students. Please download from the links below and print them before visiting the Museum.

Configuration of the Worksheets (January 2014 currently)

# Locations in the Museum Themes Difficulty Levels Themes and Aims Questions (Japanese) Answers (Japanese)
1 In Sawara The Business of the Inoh Family ★★★★☆ To interpret that the family was brewing sake from the sketch map of the premises. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 1(PDF:147KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 1(PDF:153KB)
2 In Sawara The Performance as a Businessman ★★★★☆ To interpret that he was an efficient businessman by comparing the graphic charts of the annual turnover of the family. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 2(PDF:226KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 2(PDF:216KB)
3 The Nationwide Surveys Number of the Survey Team Members ★★★☆☆ To interpret by creating graphic charts that the number of the expedition members were different in each expedition and in particular, the member increased drastically since the 5th survey. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 3(PDF:223KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 3(PDF:258KB)
4 The Nationwide Surveys The Survey Rout ★★★☆☆ To comprehend the survey areas of the first to the ninth survey by comparing with the current administrative boundary. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 4(PDF:191KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 4(PDF:195KB)
5 The Nationwide Surveys The Applications of the Surveying Instruments ★★☆☆☆ To comprehend the applications of the instruments by following the explanations. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 5(PDF:137KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 5(PDF:141KB)
6 The Nationwide Surveys Grouping of the Surveying Instruments ★★★☆☆ To comprehend by following the explanations that the instruments can be divided into 3 groups: for measuring length, for taking angles and for the astronomical observation. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 6(PDF:170KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 6(PDF:176KB)
7 Completion of the Inoh Maps Map Symbols ★★☆☆☆ To compare the map symbols he marked on his maps with the today’s ones. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 7(PDF:183KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 7(PDF:184KB)
8 Completion of the Inoh Maps Varied scales of the Inoh Maps ★★★☆☆ To comprehend that there are 3 kinds of scales in the Inoh Maps according to the size and the area of the maps. ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Question 8(PDF:341KB) ダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。Answer 8(PDF:287KB)

How to Use the Wroksheets (Chart)

Teachers Students Locations
1. To choose the appropriate worksheet
2. To print out the necessary copies
3. To hand out the copies of the Worksheets to the students beforehand
1. To answer to the questions in the Worksheets while exploring the exhibits
2. To check answers according to the answer board in the Museum
*   Checking answers may be done after returning to school.
The Museum

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